Category Archives: conversations with kiddos



i’ve talked to some of you about how the onceler was not a fan of this whole “preschool” set-up when she first started.

but little by little she is getting it and warming up to the whole routine there.  she’s getting into circle time and playing at the “park” there.

it’s so hard to know if you’ve made the right decisions about school for them.  which school?  when to start? what class should she be in?  what to wear???

do you guys remember anything from your preschool? i have one memory: trying to get away from the pincher. why did that boy always go for the sensitive spot on the back of my upper arm? i hope karma bit you in the ass eventually pinchy…

an accurate depiction of her feelings towards preschool



sorry all.  i’ve been away for work.

tonight on the way home from the ferry the babe was a bit unhappy.  we asked the onceler if she thought she needed a song.  so she started singing here comes the sun- in that off key on tune way toddlers do- and held her hand.  and the babe stopped.  did i say already having two girls is the best?

want to share how ridiculously cute your kiddo[s] can be?  tell me a story 🙂

vagina starts with v


the onceler is at the stage where she hears all and repeats all.  actually, maybe she has been in this stage since the words started exploding out of her about a year ago.  it is super cute to hear her saying big words.  although “dick shin” [addiction] and “pa CHI! na” have me often stammering- or just saying “va. va. vagina starts with v.”

what are your kiddos saying that has you blushing/ scrambling for an explanation/ stifling your laughter?