Category Archives: toys

she’s a complete and utter genius i can tell already.


the babe grabbed for and gripped her first object ever today.  it was a cal golden bear. i’m so proud.  [i know you’ll understand jenny! lol] and also the bears won woot! how’d your team do?

in other news, one of our mom friends had her baby yesterday.  could not be more thrilled for her.  but i’ll let her tell her own story 🙂

sweet ride


we put as much thought into getting a stroller as we do into buying a car.  hey, our babies deserve a sweet ride too.

in berkeley, i was quite partial to my maclaren quest sport.  mostly because it fit between the cramped racks of my favorite store, jeremy’s.









but also because it was easy enough to lift through the doorway of the donut shop across the street from jeremy’s.  i miss you old fashioned chocolate.

i suppose i’d be in the market for a double now.  moms of 2s [or more] tell me about your double stroller.  moms of 1 plug your awesome single.