Category Archives: Uncategorized

eating and lactating


chocolate chip cookies are the world’s greatest food.  where would i be today if my husband had not offered me ccc the first time we talked???  probably at a bulk barn somewhere, wondering how many chocolate chips can fit in a baggy and fighting with an old lady for the coveted pen-on-a-string…

so imagine my elation about these cookies for increasing milk supply.

“i must eat this entire batch of cccs, it’s for my health and the babe’s.”


pizza and ice cream


the onceler’s birthday is this week.  she was telling me about getting old, and i immediately assumed she was talking about me.  gahh i still have not settled into the big 3-0.   “3” to her is “old,”  so i must be a dinosaur. perhaps that is why she has been telling me jokes about a dinosaur who does not share his ice cream.  but i digress: she has requested a pizza party.  how does one make a fun pizza for a child who is allergic to dairy?

i have already taught her the ‘party!  PIZZA party!” chant.  remember that game???  so there is no turning back now.


thank you


sorry i have not been keeping up.  i have been under a lot of stress and haven’t made time to post.  i did want to come by and acknowledge how amazing my mom friends have been to me.  if you’re having a hard time- reach out!  i guarantee you there are others of us who feel the same, have gone through the same, want to tear the hair out of the same people…  thanks my friends, you rock!

lost arts (not the finger paint or macaroni-n-yarn kind)


i wrote a resume last week for the first time since 2006.  now there is an ‘interests’ section?  i was told- for places that get a ton of resumes- that’s sometimes all they look at!  dear god, i have no interests.  i work and i wipe poop. my boobs provide the sustenance for an entire human being, what other talents do i have time to nurture?  this is a sad state of affairs.

i remembered, foggily, that i used to like to read once.   so i started water for elephants tonight.  wow!  i did like reading.  i’ve got to make time for this literary sh!t more often…

what’s your lost art?

you can live in happiness too…


lets talk non-western medicine for a sec.  because after talking genitan violet with one of my mom friends, i realized these medicines are so much more fun than what MDs prescribe.

i used maca root when it was taking entirely too long to get pregnant.  the babe became my little parasite that month.  it’s supposed to be good for the sex drive on top of anecdotally helping get knocked up.  but i don’t think there’s anyway to quantify that.  because if you don’t want to have sex, you’re probably not going to get pregnant…

i’ve also found gatorade and bananas cure every hangover.

what remedies do you use?

p.s. if you were scratching your head about genitan violet:

this image is from zygotedaddy.  he seems quite lovely by email.

he was not attempting to turn his child into an oompa loompa.  just cure a nasty case of thrush.


alright just give me the wine mug


this month i ‘celebrate’ a milestone birthday and i am not at all pleased about it.  ry is trying to get me to go to dinner at this fancy italian place in town.  it has really amazing pasta and all, but really we love it because they serve you wine in a coffee mug while you are waiting outside for a table.  however, all the free wine in the italy won’t keep me outta my 30s.

i started playing around on this site today.  because women in their 30s are much cooler and better put together than me.  i best catch up.

how do you like to celebrate your birthday?

go the f*ck to sleep


i’ve been talking to a couple of my mom friends who are having a helluva time getting their kiddos to sleep.  so let’s pool resources.  how do you put your babes to sleep?  if you have time, give an age ref too.

the onceler:

birth- 4 months or so~ nurse to sleep.  for an hour or more at each go.

4- 8 months~ walk in the stroller or ergo. nursing to sleep still works at night.

8-12 months~ dance i think?  it’s all a blur now.

12-15 months~ plead with various deities.

15 months on~ magically sleeps through the night.  loves her bed and asks to go to sleep.  who knew?

the babe:

birth- nearly 4 months~ nurse, burp, play, rock/ stairclimb, sleep.  rinse, lather repeat.  but now that i’ve written that out i’m totally screwed right?

stolen stock photo.

end of hiatus


sorry for the hiatus 🙂

me and the little budding scientist were working 10+ hour days in the lab, trying to cram a month’s worth of work into 5 days.  it was quite insane.  in fact i’m pretty surprised i didn’t go insane.  but maybe i passed that signpost long ago. whatever the case, tg for chocolate. and wine.

when i got home dh had a big box of frosted flakes in the cupboard.  you know i have been trying to avoid sugar.  but it was too hard while traveling, and sugary cereal? total score.  then t made peanut butter cake for fun night last night. o.m.G.

what’s your comfort food of choice right now?



the onceler starts preschool tomorrow.  so, of course i have been fretting over whether she will be on track with the other kids.  when really i just need to focus on how she’ll have this wonderful opportunity to learn new things and make new friends.

i really liked this mom’s blog post about it.  and because i am chock full of post-partum hormones, it made me cry a bit.

all aboard the preschool express

life in the fast lane


did you guys have a good labor day weekend?  it was definitely life in the fast lane over here.  meaning we played with rocks and sticks at the beach, went to a fair with prize pigs [our spider friend was not there spinning any webs to save them from their certain fate] and chased BALLOONS!

also had quite a few freak outs about our business launch.  one of which was about our website server being down [and thinking our tiny little website screwed up a bunch of other important ones].  thanks everyone for your support.  it is crazy exhausting putting yourself out there.